( Brazil/ USA, 73min, 2011 ) OPENING FILM & AFTER PARY at Hidden Agenda 8th JUNE 2012 (Friday , 8pm-10:30pm) .   Shot in 5 continents, this is a film journey into the causes of contemporary war and conflict around the world,  an impassioned meditation on the apocalyptic problems facing humanity at this critical juncture in the history of the species.

Directed by Lara Lee

Location : Hidden Agenda 8th June 2012 8pm



PUFF 2011 Highlights

Thirty Proof Coil (2010)

Director | 導演:Will Schmeckpeper
USA| 美國
Colour | 彩色
80 mins | 80分鐘
Fans of the genre will recognize a lot of their beloved elements of horror movie here: the lone heroine, the psychopath kidnapper, the man-eating monster, the chain, the rural barn house, the dream sequences, etc. Therefore they will have a jolly good time watching this spirited, truly independent new twist on all these familiar cliches.
遭禁錮的女主角、精神失常的綁匪、吃人的怪獸、堅固的鐵鍊、郊區的破屋、交錯的夢境與幻覺⋯⋯ 情節似曾相識?《Thirty Proof Coil》以獨腳戲配上大量驚慄電影元素,共鳴有餘又新鮮十足,實屬戲迷之選!